Suggestions for Protecting Your Wooden Fence

Suggestions for Protecting Your Wooden Fence Once you have your wooden fence installed and you…

Suggestions for Protecting Your Wooden Fence

Once you have your wooden fence installed and you are happy with it, you might fail to recognise the importance of protecting it. The wood used to produce your fence is a natural material and needs to be protected from many things that Britain’s outdoors has to offer. This includes things such as termites and pests. Although the prevention of pest infestation will shorten the life of your fence, the climate and weather is also a huge factor.

Most posts are actually cut leaving an unrefined finish. Not only can this be unsightly, it can also leave your fence exposed to the elements and consequently weaken the overall structure.

Fence post caps are a great way to protect the ends of your posts. These inexpensive caps are designed to protect the exposed ends of the posts, preventing water intrusion that will eventually rot the post. If one takes a stroll into any local garden centre, you are sure to find post caps of many different styles. Make sure that when you purchase the caps, they match the appearance of the fence also.

The caps that are commonly available come as flat top, gothic or ball top. It is also possible to have the caps made to your specific requirements, but make sure that the wood used matches the grain of your fence. Also keep in mind that if you opt for the latter, the price will be considerably more expensive than one of the standard designs.

Not only are caps important for the prolongation of the life of your fence, one should not over-look the need to coat the wood with a stainer or paint every year.

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