How Fence Companies Can Use a Company Blog to Build Credibility

How Fence Companies Can Use a Company Blog to Build Credibility Using a blog to…

How Fence Companies Can Use a Company Blog to Build Credibility

Using a blog to help sell more fence is a good idea. First, it’s inexpensive compared to traditional advertising and it gives you a unique and infinite way to share the story and process of your fence. If you’re a fence company that wants to grow, here are a few ways that will actually result in selling more fence.

A blog can help your company quickly build credibility with customers too. It does this in a few different ways:

1. Tells your customers you’ve actually done fence work

I know this seems simple, but with the internet there is very few ways to say “yes, we’re a real company, honest!” without sounding tacky or fishy. Showing your recent work (post the addresses of the houses if you can get permission from the home owners) is a great way to do it.

2. Separates the companies that care from the ones who don’t

Honestly, I just don’t see a big fencing company doing something like this. They are too obsessed with pinching pennies and churning profit to do something that doesn’t have a guaranteed dollar amount coming from it. That’s not to say a big fence company couldn’t do the same thing, but it will have a lot more trouble making the blog feel personal if they’re cranking through dozens of jobs a week.

3. Helps show the personal side of your company

Once you’ve landed a job you’ll have plenty of opportunities to interact with your customers while you’re doing work for them. Whether it’s borrowing power, a hose or showing where posts will go, theres plenty of times when you or your employees will be able to interact with a home owner. Before though, there’s few. There’s maybe an estimate, a sales call… Usually that’s it.

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Once your blog is setup, what do you write about? Well, there’s infinite options, but a good idea for the majority of your blog posts is covering just one of your current fence projects from start to finish. As long as you vary the type of job you cover (cedar, chain-link, vinyl, etc.) each post will be different.

Walk the reader through each step of the process. Write about the problems you had and how you solved them. You don’t have to be a brilliant writer but you do need to be clear and check it for spelling and grammar errors, etc before you press “publish.”

First, you’ll want to set one up for free using WordPress. There are a million different types of Blogs and ways to run them, but a free blog from will be a good start. You’ll get access to lots of themes (how your blog looks and feels) for free and you won’t have to pay for hosting. If you decide you want to host it yourself later, its super easy to do.

Once you’ve signed up using , you’ll want to find a theme. It doesn’t need to be fancy, just a basic, clean layout will do. Using a sidebar, post links to your main website if you have one as well as immediate ways (Telephone number, email, etc) to contact your company if customers have a question. Having a contact on there is critical because the goal of a fence blog isn’t to vent your frustrations or improve your writing, but to sell more fence.

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This is done both directly, through getting immediate referrals (make sure to list multiple ways to contact you) as well as through bulding credibility to your company when they are comparing you and your competitors.